The Ins And Outs Of Usher Raymond’s Relationships

The Ins And Outs Of Usher Raymond’s Relationships

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Usher Raymond is extremely amorous and it is difficult for him to go without romantic relationships for very long. When he is attracted to someone, Usher Raymond pursues them very ardently and sometimes comes on too strong. Doing creative work or artistic work can also satisfy the very strong desire for love and beauty that Usher feels.

He enjoys talking about love, relationships, art and the beautiful side of life. Usher Raymond appreciates artistic people. Usher Raymond has a vivid imagination and is likely to imagine the most wonderful things, but he may over-idealize and tend to expect too much of love relationships. Usher tries to escape unpleasant experiences through fantasy and deception.

In love relationships, Usher Raymond desires a deep, intense, passionate union with his beloved and forms very strong emotional bonds and attachments. Usher connects with the person he loves at a very deep emotional level, and is often extremely possessive and jealous of any threat to that union. Raymond can be very demanding with his love partner. Usher Raymond tends to be somewhat suspicious of even platonic, friendly relationships his partner has. If he is ever betrayed, Usher Raymond is capable of hating with as much force and intensity as he once loved. He is attracted to people who have an aura of mystery about them.

He is a gentle, poetic soul and has a great love and affinity for music. Because many of his feelings are nebulous and vague and he cannot easily verbalize how he experiences life, music seems a natural language for Raymond. He is also tremendously romantic and is often in love with love.

Raymond depends a great deal upon other people for emotional support and he has a large family of friends that care about him and treat him as kin. The women in Usher’s life are particularly important to him, and his relationships with them powerfully influence his sense of security and happiness. Usher Raymond may be overly dependent and unsure of himself without a close partner.

His emotional needs are very important to Usher Raymond and he tends to seek approval and recognition from the people in his immediate world. Raymond will derive more benefit in activities with others than by keeping to him. He is very intuitive and has the ability to make the right decisions guided by his inner feelings. Usher Raymond has a sense of honor and pride and is considerate of others. Others respect Raymond and are willing to help him, because he does not act out of petty motives.

Usher has an optimistic outlook, good intuition and the ability to find and use opportunities to his advantage. His quick understanding of things allows Usher Raymond to see beyond ordinary limits, and he has the courage to exploit unexpected 성인용품 breaks. He also responds in a strong emotional way to the influence of his environment and has a need to reform those around him. Usher has a very powerful psychic influence on others and they may look to Raymond for guidance and direction, and he rarely lets them down.

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